You may place your pie orders by calling 908-852-9122 ext 1 or visiting us at the farm market! Pie Order policy: All pie orders are final: no changes, refunds, or returns. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
* While our farm market offers many varieties of pies, we do not bake all varieties daily. If you are interested in a specific pie variety, please call our Farm Market to find out if it’s available, or place your order ahead and we’ll have it ready for you! Here’s an important tip, PLEASE DO NOT REFRIGERATE PIES. These family-favorite, freshly baked desserts are best enjoyed straight off of the counter. Enjoy!
Pie Varieties
Pie varieties are subject to change. Please call to confirm availability.*

- Honey Crisp Apple
- Apple Crisp
- Apple Pie
- Apple Walnut
- Black Cherry
- Blueberry
- Cherry
- Cherry Crumb
- Coconut Custard
- Lemon Blueberry
- Peach
- Peach Blueberry
- Peach Crisp
- Peach Praline
- Pecan
- Pineapple Upsidedown
- Red Raspberry
- Strawberry Rhubarb
- Very Berry
Also available: 6 inch Pies: Apple, Blueberry, Cherry, Peach and Pumpkin.
Key Lime Pie, Loaf Cakes, Pumpkin Rolls, Whoopie Pies, & more!
You may place your pie orders via phone 908-852-9122 ext 1. or by visiting us in the farm market!