Spring at Donaldson Farms is bursting with color and fresh produce. Come on out to pick your own berries, browse the produce in our market, or check our
Events Calendar page to see what other fun things are going on!
Spring Season: May and June

Pick your own strawberries our browse our Farm Market for pre-picked berries, other farm-grown produce, and more!
PYO Strawberries typically begin late-May or early-June. If you’re driving a distance it’s a good idea to check with us for current picking conditions. Call us 908-852-9122 x1 or visit our facebook page.
PYO Strawberries Info
Berry Crop Conditions Update
Duck Races

Try your hand at old-fashioned pumps and see if you can get your duck to the finish line first.
Available daily during Farm Market Hours.
Pony Rides

Bring the kids to the farm to take a ride on our resident pony, Sunny – and don’t forget your camera!
Pony Rides may be available for purchase during
Friday Nights on the Farm, and Harvest Weekends throughout the season, weather permitting, subject to change.
Ask us about our Birthday Party pony ride package!